Helen Clow’s take on whether BeReal’s new features will be worth the investment for brands

BeReal, the self-proclaimed “anti-Instagram” has made its first move with brands and celebs.

The big question – will it be worth the investment for brands?

Growth Director for Brainlabs Influencer in the UK Helen Clow, spoke to Jack Benjamin at The Media Leader about the opportunity to bring something fresh to the table, and the challenges BeReal has in order to seriously attract brands.

“There are potential limitations to these new features. The longevity of the content is limited. But if you’re looking to build a community of super-fans, and if BeReal builds out these features in a way that truly stands out from what’s already on offer, then it could be a game changer.”

Read the full article in The Media Leader here:https://the-media-leader.com/will-bereals-embrace-of-brands-and-celebrities-pay-off/